Hello, fellow champions of procrastination, parents, and anyone who’s ever heard the word “mom” and had their heart skip a beat (in either love or sheer terror).
So, here’s the deal. We’ve all been there. It’s a regular day, your mom asks you to do something that’s definitely not in your plans — like, “Can you vacuum the living room?” while you’re deeply invested in your 3rd Netflix episode of that series you’re pretending to watch alone. Or how about, “Please put away the laundry?” when you’re, let’s be honest, just going to wear everything from the laundry pile for the next week anyway.
But what if, just what if, for 24 hours, you said yes to everything she asked? And not just “yes” in a grumbling, resentful tone, but the full “YES, MOM, I GOT IT!” You’d be a trooper, right? A saint. Or maybe a prisoner, depending on how your mom’s to-do list looks.
What is the “Yes to Mom for 24 Hours” Challenge?
Glad you asked. For one entire day, you must say “yes” to every request your mom makes. And no, we’re not talking about the things that are already normal parts of your life, like feeding the dog (if that’s even a thing) or taking out the trash. We mean the things that make you question your entire existence.
For example:
- Mom: “Could you organize the spice rack alphabetically?”
You: “Yes, mom. I’ll do that… after I cry a little.” - Mom: “Can you clean out the attic?”
You: “Sure, I’ll start the excavation. Just give me a minute to find the actual attic.” - Mom: “Please rearrange the couch cushions by size, then fluff them like they’re royalty.”
You: “Yes, I shall create a kingdom for the cushions. May they reign forever.”
What Will You Learn?
You might be wondering, “Why on earth would I sign up for this madness?” Well, here’s what you’ll get out of it:
- A Deep Understanding of Patience – After about hour 5, you’ll realize that your patience is as infinite as your mom’s tasks. If you make it through the day without losing your mind, you can probably handle anything.
- Mastery of Life Skills You Didn’t Know Existed – Organizing an attic? Sure, you’re going to feel like a professional organizer by the time you’re done. Vacuuming the windowsills? It’s a thing now, and you’re good at it.
- Uncontrollable Laughter – At some point, you’ll look at your mom and think, “She knows she’s driving me nuts, right?” But you won’t be able to help but laugh because, honestly, this whole “Yes to Mom” thing is just too ridiculous to take seriously.
- A Newfound Appreciation for Moms – By hour 20, you’ll be wondering how on earth your mom keeps this all together without resorting to bribery or a personal army of helpers. Maybe you’ll even try to bake her favorite cookies… or not. We can only handle so much.
Pro Tips for Surviving the Challenge:
- Wear Comfortable Clothes – You’ll be moving around a lot, possibly crawling through piles of “stuff” in the attic or becoming one with the laundry. Be prepared.
- Have a Backup Plan – In case things get too crazy, it’s always good to have a “let me go take a 5-minute break and breathe” plan. But don’t try to sneak off for more than five minutes. We’re watching. (Well, your mom is anyway).
- Stay Hydrated – You’ll need to keep your energy up. All that organizing, cleaning, and answering “yes” to random requests could leave you parched. Drink water like it’s your new best friend.
The Ultimate Prize: A Mom’s Approval!
But here’s the real kicker. At the end of the 24 hours, your mom will look at you with all the love and appreciation she has in her heart and say: “You know, you’re pretty great. Thanks for doing all that. Could you please…”
Wait for it…
“Do it again tomorrow?”
And that, dear reader, is how the cycle of “yes” continues.
But seriously, you’ll get a good laugh, maybe a ton of unexpected skills, and—who knows—a snack or two for your trouble. Try it out, and let us know how it goes!
Remember, it’s a challenge, not a punishment. And if all else fails, just blame it on the dog.
Want to see more hilarious challenges? Keep coming back to Learn with Pari for more fun (and totally optional) ways to make your life a little more interesting.