Hey, fellow color enthusiasts! 🌈✨
Ever thought to yourself, “What if I only used purple things for an entire day?” No? Well, I did. And let me tell you, it was a wild ride. Forget about the usual “24-Hour Challenges” where people try to live without their phones or only eat one color of food. I went the extra mile and did the extreme—only purple things for 24 HOURS! 💜😜
This wasn’t just a color-coordinated challenge. No, no, I was going for absolute, unapologetic purple chaos. Grab your purple snacks (if you even have any) and let’s dive into this purple-tinted madness.
The Rules (aka, My Self-Imposed Purple Prison)
Before I even began, I made the most important rule of the challenge: Everything I used for 24 hours had to be purple. Clothes, food, beverages, gadgets, and even the bathroom—everything had to be a shade of purple. It was like a personal mission to see how extreme I could get with the color without turning into an actual grape. Spoiler: there was some questionable stuff going on by the end.
Hour 1: The Fresh Start (Feeling Violet-Vibed)
I kicked off the challenge in full purple mode—purple hoodie, purple socks, purple shoes (because I actually own these things—don’t judge me). At first, it was fun, and honestly, it felt like I was channeling my inner royalty. I mean, purple has historically been the color of kings and queens, right? I was basically a monarch for the day. 👑💜
But then, as I walked around, I realized something. No one else was wearing purple. It felt like I was walking through a sea of normal people, in my own purple world. It was like a mix between feeling fabulous and mildly ridiculous. But hey, it was all part of the journey.
Hour 3: Purple Food (A Potential Mistake)
So, the food. Ah, the food. I thought purple food would be easy—just grab some grapes, purple potatoes, or maybe some blueberries. But when I went to the grocery store, I found myself standing in the produce aisle like a mad scientist. “Purple cabbage? Sure. Purple carrots? Why not? Purple cauliflower? I guess this is fine?”
By hour 3, my “meal” consisted of the following:
- Purple chips (they exist, and they taste like… what you’d expect purple chips to taste like).
- A purple smoothie (that somehow looked more like a bruise than an actual drink).
- And a mystery purple drink, which, upon closer inspection, turned out to be “grape-flavored sparkling water” that wasn’t even that bad.
Everything tasted fine, but the aftertaste was like a weird, slightly artificial berry flavor. I could practically hear my taste buds screaming for a normal flavor. But nope, I was committed to the purple life.
Hour 6: Purple Gadgets (Or, How I Became a Walking Tech Disaster)
This was the moment things started to spiral. I thought using purple gadgets would be fun! Surely I could survive on a purple phone case, purple headphones, and purple pens. But no, my phone case was not the vibe. It’s like I was staring at a neon purple reminder of my decision, and it was starting to haunt me.
The headphones? Let’s just say they were more “purple than comfortable.” And don’t even get me started on the purple pen—it didn’t write well. But hey, in the name of commitment, I scribbled down my thoughts in purple ink. Who needs legibility when you’re living on the edge with purple everything? 🖊️💜
Hour 9: The Bathroom Dilemma (Where I Drew the Line)
Okay, let’s talk about the bathroom. In theory, it was going to be fine. Purple toothpaste? No problem. Purple soap? Why not? But then… there was the purple toilet paper.
Yes, I went there. I found it in the store and thought, “This could be fun! I’m totally going to nail this challenge.” But let me tell you something: the second I used it, I realized the world does not need purple toilet paper. It’s a terrible idea. It’s scratchy, it’s weird, and honestly, I was questioning my entire existence for a solid 10 minutes in there.
Hour 12: The Purple Mood Swings (And Regret)
By hour 12, I was starting to feel mentally purple. Let’s just say the constant bombardment of only purple was starting to mess with my mind. I needed a break. I needed anything that wasn’t purple. But alas, I had committed.
I began to question everything. Was purple a color or a lifestyle? Did I really need to surround myself with all things purple, or was it some sick, purple-inflicted punishment I had imposed on myself? I was spiraling, y’all.
But the real kicker? I started liking it. Maybe purple isn’t so bad after all…
Hour 18: Purple Fashion Show (My Struggle to Look Normal)
By now, I’d accepted my fate and fully embraced my purple wardrobe. I sported a purple hat, purple scarf, purple everything. I even decided to pose dramatically in front of the mirror like I was starring in some avant-garde fashion show. “Purple is the future,” I thought, looking at my reflection. But in reality, I looked like I had fallen into a paint bucket, and not the good kind of paint.
But hey, I was still rocking it. Kind of.
Hour 24: The Final Countdown (And Thank Goodness)
At long last, I had reached the 24-hour mark. And you know what? As fun as it was, I was ready to throw in the purple towel (which, by the way, was purple too). The whole day was a mix of extreme commitment and purple-induced confusion.
I could barely look at a grape after this challenge. My soul was crying out for the simplicity of beige. But overall, it was an experience that I’ll never forget (mostly because I’m still having purple dreams).
Final Thoughts: Should You Try This?
Well, would I recommend this challenge? Only if you’re into extreme color coordination and bizarre, purple-tinted worlds. It was fun at first, but by the end, I felt like I was living inside a grape jelly jar. If you love purple, this might be your dream day. But if you’re like me and love a little variety, you might want to stay away from the purple madness.
But hey, purple power forever. 💜
Stay curious, stay colorful, and maybe don’t try this one at home—unless you have a deep, unshakable love for purple! ✌️